I want to be a Volunteer
We need committed people to help us spread conversational knowledge. If you think you can add value to the world, don’t hesitate to become one of our volunteers.


The Chair is a non-profit organization at the University of Valencia, promoted by the Hong Kong-based company Sanuker.
Its goal is to facilitate access to technology, resources and new opportunities brought about by the use of conversational bots.
Volunteering is established as a powerful tool to shape personal initiatives of wanting to collaborate in some way.
Volunteers are therefore people, who share values and motivation, and who contribute their time and resources, out of their own free will, and not for profit.
Professionals from all sectors and backgrounds, students, and in general, anyone who can help of their own free will and from anywhere in the world are welcome.
Why collaborate with the Chair?
Volunteering means doing things out of free will. Without any other interest.
This is the highest level of involvement in a project, and from the Chair, we are excited to share our vision of the world with you.

How can you collaborate as a volunteer with the Chair?
Sign up as a volunteer and access our internal communication channel, where you will be able to see the projects we are working on, how you can participate, how to propose new topics, etc.
The best of life is free, what are you waiting for?
Fill in the form to apply for a volunteer position
We need committed people to help us spread conversational knowledge. If you think you can add value to the world, don’t hesitate to become one of our volunteers.
You will be able to collaborate on our projects and help others.
Do I get paid as a volunteer?
Volunteers are not remunerated in any way. Any work done for the benefit of the Chair by a volunteer is without compensation of any kind.
Are there any requirements to be a volunteer?
Yes, the volunteer must be willing to participate in some way in the chair’s initiatives. It is not necessary to start volunteering by performing a specific task, although it is recommended at least one annual participation in some activity of the Chair.
Is it for students only?
There are volunteers with all types of professional experience. In the CBCUV there are active volunteers, students, retired people, unemployed, entrepreneurs, etc. To be a volunteer is to want to participate in our initiative, with that which is most valuable, your time and energy, in favor of society.
Can I receive a certificate for my volunteering?
Yes. The Chair publishes on the volunteer’s LinkedIn profile his or her volunteering. For details you can read more at http://help.cbcuv.com
Can I volunteer remotely?
The CBCUV community works on global projects from anywhere in the world. Our natural mode of participation is remote.
There are several countries with physical chair offices that host volunteers, events where we get to know each other and an annual event, where we review what has been built so far and the challenges for the following year.
What language do we volunteers communicate in?
English and Spanish are the most common languages, although, like all communities, everyone uses the language they know best in order to communicate in favor of a shared objective.