
While some of us go on vacation, in Europe the price of electricity is skyrocketing due to the shortage of natural gas supply and the Climate Change policy.

In Spain, the price reaches heights never seen before due to the incorporation of many taxes to the price and the world is convulsed by the entry of the Taliban in Kabul.

In this context, the Conversational Business Chair of the University of Valencia (CBC-UV), continues its work plan to achieve the objectives of the month of August.

Consolidate the MVP of the Chair

Let’s review what has happened in the different areas of the Conversational Business Chair during the month of August to consolidate the MVP.

Integral development of technological logistics

Objectively, we are now in a position to use the ERP from the supplier Zoho, which we have decided to use. So far, the following modules have been activated by the end of July:

  • Zoho Cliq for internal communication.
  • Zoho Sheet for provisional database of the Chair’s contacts and connection between vision and actions.
  • Mindmeister for mind maps and visualization of situations.
  • Zoho Mail for interaction with the Chair’s stakeholders.
  • VoIP PBX with telephone number: +34 961 154 221.
  • Zoho Creator to create customized applications.
  • Zoho Desk as an omnichannel contact center.
  • Zoho Meeting for meetings and webinars.
  • Zoho WorkDrive to manage online files for the different work teams.

We would like to thank the Sagitaz team for their impeccable support of our ERP-Zoho system.


The Chair’s team has been working on creating a modern and clearly accessible website for those interested. It features multiple languages and, of course, a chatbot to guide anyone interested in finding the desired information.

On the home page we clearly indicate what is the message of the Conversational Business Chair, by the hand of the director Jesús Soret.

It also has a section for those interested in participating:

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Organizations
  • Education

And if, for example, your case does not fit into any of these sections, the Chair is at your disposal to talk about creating a customized project.

In short, all you have to do is look for the right chatbot.

Also note the calendar of upcoming events, which is updated with each new panel or workshop that takes place so you can easily find and organize it.

The home page can be easily located at the following url:


Internships in companies and organizations

For anyone interested in training with real cases in the world of chatbots, you can find your place in the section of internships in companies and organizations. Through the website you will be able to apply for the position and start the interview and training process to expand your job possibilities in a virtual world that never stops growing.

If you are a company or organization, by signing an agreement with the Conversational Business Chair, you will have access to the educational platform that will put you in contact with qualified students.

Of course, the indispensable requirement is that the subject matter of the internship is related to the work of the Conversational Business Chair. During the month of August, the offer of internships in companies through the Conversational Business Chair, is as follows:

Legal: 2 jobs

  • Engineer internship: Legal eBook on the chatbot industry in Valencia, Spain.
  • Lawyer internship: Legal eBook on the chatbot industry in Valencia (Spain) (Covered for Ecija Abogados Company)
  • Marketing: 2 Jobs
    PPC chatbots internship in Valencia, (Spain)
  • Content creation and SEO about the chatbot industry in Valencia (Spain)

Marketing: 2 offers

  • PPC chatbots internship in Valencia (Spain)
  • Content creation and SEO on the chatbots industry in Valencia (Spain)
  • Sports, Leisure & Lifestyle: 1 Job

Marketing Internship:

  • Chatbot at Club de Campo in Paterna (Valencia-Spain)

Technology: 1 Offer

  • TFG Proposal: Communication gateway between WhatsApp and Led Screen in Valencia (Spain).


We have a Blog where the articles and opinions of the collaborators of the Conversational Business Chair are collected. Specifically in the month of August the following 3 articles have been published:

  • The Journals 1 and 2: My experience in the Conversational Business Chair May-June and July, 2021 (Dr. Rafael Lostado). From my point of view, the aim of the Journals is to gather the pulse of the Chair month by month. Anyone who wishes to contribute an idea, suggest a project, make a critique, etc., can do so. My mailbox will always be open and I will pass on to the chair’s management all the concerns that come to my attention.
  • Our first workshop: lessons learned and next steps (Jose Miguel Espinar and Jose Perez). In which the authors tell their impressions and draw conclusions from the first workshop held by the chair on chatbots. Personally I attended it and really, many doubts were cleared and I learned the ABC (I think) of the world of chatbots.


There is also a panel with the future events scheduled by the chair. It also includes the possibility of accessing past events, within the Events page.

The scheduled events are the following:

  • September 29, 2021: Presentation of Conversational Business Chair at the Burjassot campus of the University of Valencia. Important event for the Chair since it will be from that moment when it will be presented to the university community and the Valencian society.
  • October 13, 2021: Live workshop: how to publish a chatbot in 30 min. (WhatsApp, Fb and web) in Mexico City (Mexico). This is a level 1 introductory workshop on chatbots.


In addition, there is the possibility of becoming a volunteer of the chair, it is one of the collaborative options of the chair.

One of the clear objectives of the web is to explain why it is a good idea to become a volunteer, and if this is your case, you can easily do it through a simple form:

  • 2 part-time volunteers.

With the Web at its MVP level, we have taken a giant step forward in the Chair project. It is a website focused on creating value for each stakeholder in 4 languages.


Our web support chatbot called CBC-Bot, which answers the most frequently asked questions about the Chair in both Spanish and English.

Partners and Events Department

The mission of this department is to contact organizations and individuals to involve them in the dynamics of the Chair through the signing of a Memorandum of Collaboration.

During the months of July and August, agreements have been signed with the following institutions:

  • Asociació Ciutadania i Comunicació (ACICOM)
  • Instituto Andino de Sistemas (IAS) – Perú
  • Fundació Caixa Rural Vila-real
  • Rigel Tecnologies
  • BotsLovers
  • ECIJA – Valencia
  • BDM Más Ingenieros
  • ChatWith
  • NEMESIO Abogados y Asesores
  •  SocialWOW
  • Chat Ergo Bot

Once the Memorandum of Collaboration is signed, the next step consists of outlining with each partner the specific project or projects that we will execute in the coming months, which will be formalised through the corresponding contract that will be attached as an annex to the Memorandum.

In this regard, the first ANNEX was signed for a joint project with the company ECIJA for the co-creation of a book on legal aspects in the world of chatbots. Miguel Casañs Gómez ( has been selected to start working on the compilation of information on the following subjects:

  • IA Act
  • Digital Services Act
  • Digital Market Law
  • Cybersecurity
  • EU Digital Identity
  • ePrivacy Regulation

Goals and objectives

In the following table we recall the objectives of the Chair for the remainder of 2021 and the achievements up to July and August.


Achievements July- August

Online Training in Chatbots


Press Events


Classroom Traning in Chatbots


Online Events


Internships in Companies and Institutions


Students Obtained










LinkedIn Followers


Conversational Business Chair Coordination – LinkedIn


In short, getting the MVP project off the ground in July has allowed us to start seeing the first effective results of the chair’s actions at the end of August.

In short, starting the project with the MVP in July has allowed us to begin to see the first effective results of the Chair’s actions at the end of August.

Personal assessment

Throughout the month of August, the MVP has begun to consolidate each and every one of the lines of action.

Despite being a very special month due to the vacation context, the tandem José Pérez and Elena Bellido have not stopped carrying out these consolidation actions. Another month in which the assessment of the actions and results is very positive, taking into account the holiday context.

Throughout this month, three very important things have happened:

  1. We have managed to consolidate the main elements of the MVP of all the departments of the chair.
  2. The team for the realization of collaboration agreements has achieved the signing of up to 11 MOUs. This is an incredible achievement.
  3. A list of tickets has been created for troubleshooting and system improvement.

All in all, a productive month of August has left the chair fully operational.

Lessons learnt

The main lesson learned from the month of August is that a High Performance team requires a break in its activity to recharge batteries, clarify ideas and have an overview of each of the projects and the portfolio.

In this way, the next iteration will be able to scale up more easily.