
The Chair of Conversational Business of the University of Valencia, together with UVEmprén, welcomes the new academic year by inviting you to register for the “EVINNOVA 2022 Challenges” program to obtain one of the 5 scholarships for a total of €4,000.

Any student already enrolled or in the process of enrolling in undergraduate and/or master’s degrees at the University of Valencia, during the academic year 2022/2023, can apply.

The proposal of the Converational Business Chair

The Valencian School of Innovation, belonging to UVemprén, published in mid-July, the II Edition of the Program “Aboration with UVemprén, the chair will lead the creation of a mixed SQUAD, that is, a multidisciplinary team composed of students in practices and professionals of the conversational world that we have baptized as the “Team 5º B”.

The multinational company Meta publishes the success story of FallasBot with the participation of the Conversational Business Chair.

Students from the areas of engineering, marketing, communication, psychology and law are the natural target of this project, although conversational business is transversal and any area of study can be welcomed and accepted within SQUAD.

Who are the members of SQUAD 5ºB?

  • UVemprén, Rafa García Martínez Director of UVemprén (Project Co-Owner)
  • Chair of Conversational Business, José Pérez Director of Strategy of the Chair (Project Co-Owner), Dr. Rafael Lostado Director of Institutional Relations (Project Co-Owner), Carla Rivas Project Manager in the Chair (Coordinator)
  • Company: Pau Vélaz Fuentes (Technical Director), Rafa Tormo Pla (Conversational Consultant) and Jose Miguel Espinar (Marketing Director).
  • Students: The five students who won the respective scholarships

Project goals

  • To provide innovative solutions through the use of chatbot technology for the LABORA Centers in Paterna, Catarroja, Castellón and Benicarló.
  • Connect three fundamental parts of society: Universities, Public Administrations and Companies.
  • Transfer knowledge to 5 students from different disciplines, in four fundamental areas: i) technology and innovation, ii) project management, iii) teamwork and iv) values and communication.
  • Communicate the results of the work done to society, inspiring new challenges.

Methodology of work

As a requirement, the 5 students must lend their time in person for 5 hours, Monday through Friday, from January to April. The work can be developed in the UVemprén facilities in Valencia, although the bulk of the 5ºB team will work from the administrative offices of the Chair located in Avda. Cortes Valencianas 10 in Valencia.

All software resources necessary for the fulfillment of the objectives (software licenses, project management, chatbots development) will be provided by UVemprén, and it is recommended that each student can work with their laptop.

Under the guidance of the professionals mentioned above, the team will visit the LABORA Centers in Paterna, Catarroja, Castellón and Benicarló to listen to the requirements of those who work there. Based on this visit, a strategic plan will be drawn up to provide innovative solutions using chatbot technology. Once the plan has been approved by the parties, the team must execute it within the scheduled deadlines to achieve the development and implementation of the chatbots in the LABORA centers and, in addition, have time to evaluate whether the result is as expected or if adjustments are necessary. Once the solutions have been tested and their effectiveness has been proven, it will be time to adjust the deviations to achieve the expected results and communicate it.

Communication of results

One of the most interesting challenges is to publish an “Innovation Diary”, in e-book format, which will document not only the professional work and its interrelation with academic knowledge, but also the day-to-day life of the team: what were the challenges, unforeseen events, how they solved them, what they learned, what excited them, what they contributed, what they expected and what they really got. Finally, Team 5ºB will have the task of presenting the experience in first person to UVemprén of the University of Valencia, to the LABORA Centers beneficiaries of the solutions and to the general public who want to be inspired by the experience, which will also be communicated through video presentations and podcasts.


Working as a team, under the tutelage of professionals in the field, guarantees the success of the 5 UV students

With the above, the Chair of Conversational Business and UVemprén seek to mark a footprint that must be transformed into a path to be paved, which is to CREATE SYNERGY between Universities, Public Administrations and Companies. Today’s complex world requires that students come into contact with real problems and get involved in their solution; this is not only a learning experience for students but for the rest of the parties involved. These fundamental links in the “society” chain need to work in a coordinated manner in order to be efficient in the search for the common good.

Organizations involved

Conversational Business Chair, with the objective to educate, inspire, train and solve, the company WOZTELL-Sanuker is the patron of this Chair that seeks to grow an ethical and global ecosystem in conversational business. To learn more, visit:

🎯 UVemprén is the unit that coordinates a wide variety of resources for the promotion of entrepreneurship among the students of the University of Valencia, providing information on scholarships, grants, awards, events and contact with the resources available to the University to train in entrepreneurial skills that contribute to professional development and improving the employability of its students, as well as to guide and help validate entrepreneurial ideas and projects of social importance. EVInnova LABORA-UV is an entrepreneurship classroom that was created with the aim of creating a stable space for public innovation between LABORA professionals and university students, which contributes to the training, development and continuous improvement of the Valencian strategy of training for employment.

Extra benefits for scholarship recipients

In addition to the €1,000 per month, in compliance with current legislation, that the scholarship recipients will receive, UVemprén will issue them a certificate in intrapreneurship and public innovation techniques. In this context, the Chair will certify the chatbots training of the participants after passing the tests. For its part, the company WOZTELL-Sanuker, patron of the Converational Business Chair, offers to mentor the future TFG/TFM of the students in relation to the learning gathered during this project, making available its experts and the physical space of its offices with the ultimate goal of, after evaluating the process and results, offering a possible incorporation into their work team in Valencia, Mexico City and / or HongKong.


  1. Enrollment requirements: be a student registered in undergraduate and/or master’s degrees at the Universitat de València during the 2022/2023 academic year and comply with the specific requirements of your degree. Not having been a beneficiary of this grant in the previous edition.
  2. Place where the scholarships take place: administrative offices of the company sponsoring the Conversational Business Chair, located at Av. Cortes Valencianas 10, Valencia, 46015.
  3. Duration of the scholarships: 400hs during 4 months (5hs daily from Monday to Friday).
  4. Modality: only face-to-face.
  5. Benefits: 1.000€ (less current legal deductions) during 4 months and a certificate in intrapreneurship and public innovation techniques.
  6. Registration: contact the Conversational Business Chair team, via WhatsApp, to help you manage your registration process in the link at the end of this post. Also, you can comment on the post of this article and team members will be attentive to answer doubts and queries.
  7. Calendar:
Calendario becas