The CBC-UV present at the inauguration of the “II Semana de l’Emprenedoria” of the UV

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On October 17, 2022 the Chair of Conversational Business of the University of Valencia (CBC-UV) participated in the opening of the II Semana de l’Emprenedoria organized by UVemprén. Our representatives were Rafael Lostado, Elena Bellido and Carla Rivas.

We want to share some of the best moments and tell what will happen in the rest of the week.

The first day

The opening words were given by Teresa García Muñoz, General Director of Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism; Rosa Donat Benito, Vice-rector of Innovation and Transfer of the UV; and Hortensia Rico Vidal, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The first conference was given by Teresa Cercós Fortea, General Director of Quality, R&D&I and Environment (Importaco), who managed to inspire us with her professional and life experience.

Then we met l’Espai Informatiu UVemprén and UVemprén companies, a fabulous space for students of this university to encourage them to undertake and learn.

Theh rest of the week

From Tuesday 18 to Friday 22 the Universitat de Valencia will be the home of different conferences by experts and institutions of the UV that promote entrepreneurship and learning in students.

Some conferences to highlight are:

Tuesday 18:
– Emprén amb l’ajuda de la Universitat de València – Rosa Donat Beneito and Rafael J. García Martínez.
– Presentation of the Hackathon d’Emprendedoria Femenina IngenieriaUV and the Hackathon d’Emprendedoria en Alimentació, Nutrició i Salut Health, Food and Science.

Wednesday 19:
– Hackathon IngenieriaUV i Hackathon Health, Food & Sicence.

Thursday 20:
– Hackathon IngenieriaUV i Hackathon Health, Food & Sicence.
– Avaluació Hackathon IngenieriaUV i Hackathon Health, Food & Sicence.

Friday 21:
– Lliurament dels premis del Campus UVemprén-Santander Universidades.


All these activities and conferences are a clear demonstration of the commitment of the Universitat de València and UVemprén to encourage their students to entrepreneurship and innovation.

On behalf of the CBC-UV, we would like to thank Rafa García Mertínez for joining us in this great event and for his support and confidence in the entrepreneurship initiatives and StartUps of the Universitat de València.

We look forward to continue working with the Universitat de València and UVemprén to support students starting their entrepreneurial journey, helping them to see the potential of incorporating a conversational component.