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The Chair of Conversational Business of the University of Valencia (CBC-UV) participated in the Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication, organized by the University of Valencia, through the Vice-Rectorate for Employment and Training Programs.

A meeting for youth development

At 9:30 am the opening of the “Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum” took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication. The opening remarks were given by Adela Valero Aleixandre -Vice Rector of Employment and Training Programs of the University of Valencia-, Amparo Ricós Vidal -Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia- and Marisa Quintanilla Alfaro -Director UVempleo-. Then, Paloma Chen -Freelance, interculturalitat- presented the inaugural conference.

The aim of the day was to promote the professional insertion of students through round tables, talks and lectures by professionals in the sector. This forum highlighted the importance of training in complementary skills and “thinking outside the box” when looking for unconventional outlets in an increasingly changing and complex labor market.

Some fifteen companies and entities participated in this event, including public administrations, educational centers, sector unions, publishing companies, media and communication groups, as well as public and private organizations.

Aligned with the vision of the CBC-UV, this is a specialized meeting on employment and career opportunities that aims to facilitate personal contact between companies, entities, institutions and students to promote quality university employment, especially in the fields of education, publishing and communication. For its part, the CBC-UV team was present with the aim of filling internship positions to work on the project: “Digital Transformation of the Socioeconomic Complex of Vila-real through WhatsApp”. During this forum, profiles of journalists, content creators, community managers and event organizers were sought, and that is why Jose Miguel Espinar, CMO of the CBC-UV’s patron company, attended with Javier Diaz and Edwine Weiglein, responsible for the Talent Management Department. At the end of the conference, more than 50 candidates interested in the projects were registered.

Round Table

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Sergio Maruenda Bataller -Vice Dean, Head of Undergraduate Studies of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia- and Begoña Clavel Arroita -Coordinator of External Practices of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia-, at 10:45 am presented the round table entitled “Professional Opportunities and Entrepreneurship in different areas of Philology, Translation and Communication”. At this table, José Pérez -Strategic Director of the CBC-UV-, shared his vision about training, employment and entrepreneurship.

Diploma of recognition

diploma reconocimiento

The Chair received a diploma of recognition for helping to promote the employability of the students of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia, but the real prize were the students who were interested in the project and who, in the near future, may be part of the CBC-UV team.

More information about this forum can be found at the following link: